Sunday, March 16, 2014

What's Happening, Hot Stuff?

So I've been rolling blog post topics around in my head for a while now, trying to think of something that I can write about that a) hasn't been done multiple times, b) won't make me sound like a jerk, and c) is something I have interest in and/or knowledge of.

Then I checked what my last post was, saw the date, and cringed.

Admittedly, I have felt a lot like my head's been buried in the sand, full of the day-to-day fribble that somehow always sucks away any extra time I thought I had. But this is ridiculous. So I offer some tidbits to sustain my poor blog until I finish my next real post:

I should probably mention, for the sake of acknowledging when I do these things, that I had an interview at Top 2 Bottom reviews, and though it went up last fall, it's still embarrassingly up to date.

I'll be visiting Raine O'Tierney's Hat Party soon, showing off the hat I got for my birthday and answering some silly questions. I'll share the link when the post goes up.

I am currently formulating a real blog post on the separation of art from artist that I aim to have up within a week or two.

Plotting is occurring behind the scenes for a blog hop I've been pondering for nearly two years. It's unlikely that it will occur before late spring, but I'm really excited (and nervous) to see what comes out of it. But I am keeping my lips sealed about the rest until there are real details to announce.

My writing lately has been primarily a fun story about a bigender person who intends to woo a duke through secret admirer letters, enlists the valet's help, and then falls for the valet. It's not very serious at all, which makes it very enjoyable for me to write, and checks several items off my "some day I want to write..." list: bigender, May/December, (shoddily researched) Victorian, asexual, menage, secret admirer... Jes Pendragon has been an amazing resource for discussing what it's like to be bigender. I can't wait to actually get this one done. Right now it's hovering around 11,000 words; I'm guessing I'm about halfway done.

In closing, since I have no decent excerpts of my own to share yet, I will offer this moving tale written by two of my Latin I students:

Maximus was the brother of Paul. The boys were in love with Octavia. Octavia did not love Maximus or Paul. Maximus waged a war to save Octavia. Octavia did not seek out Maximus. 

Paul wrote a song: 

"You are a queen
I will never forget you.
You are my rose,
Octavia, Octavia!"

Octavia saw Paul's spirit and she loved Paul. Maximus went away and acquired a cat. Maximus gave the cat the name Tiny. The end.
Poor Maximus. I think he deserves a story of his own, don't you?