Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Fire and Lightning

Fire and Lightning has official artwork! Look at how gorgeous it is:

The official blurb reads:

Drys is the hamadryad of Zeus' sacred oak tree, tied to the grove by her tree and by her responsibilities to speak for Zeus to the temple supplicants. She knows nothing about the world outside until the beautiful Bennu bird flies into her life and teaches Drys not only about the world, but also of things that Zeus has expressly forbidden ...

Release date: November 28.
Posted on Goodreads here.

I will write more another time about the ridiculous amounts of research I probably didn't need to do for this story but did anyway, about how drastically different it turned out than my initial imaginings, and why I have come to love it more than perhaps anything else I've ever written. But for now, I'm just going to stare at the pretty artwork and grin like an idiot.

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